Friday, 14 December 2012

Asura X Maka! Kishin love!

As much as I love Crona- Asura is just as awesome in my book! I love Asura X Maka; it’s a pairing that just sits well with me…maybe it’s because of the interaction between them? Maybe.
Picture: by Michi-chi
If you saw my CroMa post- you’ll know I find insanity appealing to write…but obsession is even better. I can never picture this pairing doing things the easy way- he’s a Kishin for Shinigami-sama’s sake! THE Kishin!-  for this to work, it needs to be twisted and strange…different.

But…twisted and strange is what I love!-I live for it!...romance too…

I don’t know why I like this pairing- I just do, it’s one of those things that just hit you, ya know?
But~ let’s do a quick metaphorical run through here-so, as most love stories go:

-          Girl meets guy
-          Hardship/trouble brewing/ awkwardness
-          They fall in love
-          Another hardship/trouble/ something bad happens
-          They break up
-          Something draws them together again
-          They get back together
-          They live happily ever after
The end. 
I just don’t see that happening with these two particular people, do you? Now, let’s take a look at what should have happened…:

-          Girl meets guy
-          She tries to kill him
-          He finds it amusing
-          She gets away after getting hurt
-          He becomes curious about the girl that thought she could harm him
-          They meet a few more times following the above recipe
-          His obsession grows
-          Something bad happens to her
-          He decides that he doesn’t want his amusement getting injured, kidnapping is in order
-          Stockholm syndrome takes root (on either side)
-          She’s rescued/breaks free
-          They find they miss each other’s company
-          They meet again
-          Ect…

Or something like that…all I'm trying to get across is that it wouldn’t be some fluffy lovey “at first sight” mojo. But then again that’s just my opinion.
Now- to the best of the best: Z-Raid. I recomend her things to any aspiring AsuMa writer or reader out there, the fanfiction is just that good... Z-Raid-
I may attempt an AsuMa in the future, I'm just not sure yet. I’ll leave you now- with a favourite Asura X Maka of mine, enjoy!

Crazy In Love by Z-Raid

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