Saturday 15 December 2012

Paradise: Chapter 20 teaser

Well on my way to getting Ch 20 rolling, I'm so excited! It’s a milestone for me; I’ve never gotten this far with a fic before. I never believed it would go this far, I honestly just thought it would flunk out after 3-4 chapters…but no, I now have the longest (in progress) Fanfiction under the MadaSaku category! I'm really proud of myself here, I feel so damn accomplished!

So I thought a small teaser was in order for those waiting for chapter 20~:

Madara’s POV

“SIR!” a male voice called from behind him. Madara having previously been observing the last of the genin scurry into the academy for the exams turned around, looking at the brown haired man in front of him with hidden annoyance. His dark cloak and orange mask usually made people avoid him, not wanting to associate with someone like…well, him.

It seemed it didn’t work for everyone…

The brown haired man was familiar, his long hair pulled into a high pony tail with his leaf headband covering his forehead. As he got closer, Madara realised exactly why he recognized him.

He was the one testing Sakura the other day, making sure she was prepared for the exams. Umino Iruka.

Iruka, he was the one who saw the Cherry and him together.

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